Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another pitch

Since we're agreed we need more than one idea I've been thinking of stuff that is different to the other idea but still meets some of what everyone likes.
Personally I really like the idea of miniature things, so tiny versions of reality or where characters are tiny in a massive world.
So here is my next idea:
A game where the player character is very small, either a small person or a little mouse/insect or a come to life toy. (out of these I think a person is probably the least cliche/over done and the most interesting) The setting I'm imagining would be inside a house, most likely in a bed room. I would want to have just one room/section because I feel one of the problems with the other game would be that it could be too big for us to do well. So you're a tiny person in this massive room and the goal is kind of like minecraft. You collect different things and then craft them into something more useful/build stuff. Of course its a lot more interesting than minecraft because the things you're collecting aren't boring old trees and rocks and dirt. You can get building blocks and game pieces and crumbs of food that you have to match together etc etc.

From what everyone has said we want slightly more story than that though and we want darkness instead of just cuteness. My solution to this is to have some kind of over arching plot involving dirt. In a bedroom for example there is this dark, mysterious area under the bed where (especially for little kids) all this broken, dirty stuff ends up. The main villain is some kind of evil overlord of dirt personified with his stronghold under the bed or in some other dark ominous place. Throughout the game you have to defeat his dust bunny minions while exploring and collecting and eventually begin to dismantle his stronghold.

The things you would craft from objects would be aimed at cleaning so you could get a balloon and attach it to a party whistle to make a dust blower. You could get CD's and attach them to some sort of mount so that theu bounce light into dark places. You could get animal hair and attach it to a pen to make some kind of broom. The crafting wouldn't be as detailed as something like minecraft but you would have to collect specific items to progress throught the storyline. Armour would be doll clothes and so forth.

This might seem a bit cliche and over done to you guys but it does have some important differences to the other idea
- Can be less intensive with less stuff to do
- We can adjust the amount of content more easily and on the fly
- Can be a kids game (the other idea is probably too dark)
- Less characters to make
- Not an adventure game, not as focused on story
- Makes a fun toy on its own and then becomes a game without much more work.
- Can have a very simplified look to save time and be very cartoony.
- The focus is almost entirely on the art here and the 'innovation' comes from the items we come up with the craft and how they can be used so I think its a good match for a group with mostly artists/designers
- Less work for programmer because their won't be anything too complex.


  1. You know that we don't have to completely finish whatever we've set out to do right? You remember the third year project that Conner showed us in first year? The one with the block people and the waiter? Their whole project was just one mission done very well and they got a great mark. I just don't want to restrict ourselves too much.

  2. I know what you mean but I think its better to aim for something as finished as possible. I thought it would be good to have something slightly smaller in scope in case the lecturers at uni are adamant that we do something smaller than the first idea. If you think about it though this can still have a lot of stuff in it and be very ambitious. Its just kind of nice to have something that you can more easily removie elements from in case of looming time constraints.

  3. The scoping idea is a good plan. I just don't like the idea of a shrunken world, texture wise it can look pretty bad and be very intensive. Either we'll have to make all textures so that they're able to stretch over a vast open plane which makes them very pixelated OR make each texture individually at a very high resolution (tiling the textures doesn't look very good at all e.g. a wooden floor with wood grain).

  4. I agree with lex on the texture problem. Even if we get the textures so good they look good on that scale the simplicity/crappyness of each of object will really show. And cause were already small we cant have to much smaller things to build up the environments and characters. But as you guys said we really dont need to rush this.

  5. I like the toys things, and I think there's a cool nostalgic element to it too that could get an older audience hooked as well. Have you seen the opening to game of thrones? It's like a war table map where the buildings and trees sort of raise out of the ground with gears. It looks really great and has a very 'toy' feel to it :)

    Good point I didn't even think about technical limitations.

    I think that in Minecraft the mundane crafting elements work because you can easily predict what you're getting (like sticks in the shape of a ladder make a ladder), and even though we'd have the shape thing the elements might be a little too disparate.

    But yeah we should post like dozens of ideas and scoping's a good idea. If we made a game like Tiny Wings to perfection that that would be awesome.

    How do I post things/ become a contributor btw?

  6. I just need your email address to add you as a contributar

  7. And yeah I'm hopinng everyone is going to come up with ideas. I'm by no means saying my ideas are the greatest, it was just lucky everyone liked the first one.

  8. Whoops sorry that wasn't meant to sound like that lol. I was just thinking the more Ideas we post the more characters/mechanics/whatever we'd have for the game.

    Awesome thanks, it's

  9. I have plenty of ideas, but I find it difficult to describe them here. I'll give it a shot though, give me a day or so.

  10. Even if you just write/draw them out on paper and save them for when we meet up that'd be cool. Or if you want help writting it up for the blog we can chat on msn/skype or something

  11. It's okay, I just needed some time to sort it all out in my head :P I'll post it soon.
