Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Idea Pitching

I'm going to actual pitch an idea here, then you guys can respond and put your own pitches in here or in a different post :3

I've been reading through everyones ideas and things that they like and I think this idea fits in with at least a few things.

My idea is basically that the game would be set in a carnival, with the main character being one of the workers there. The main character (player character) would essentially be this guy who has the job of roaming around entertaining the patrons dressed as a bear. I was thinking that the story would be a mystery, something along the lines of the main character can't remember his life before the carnival and is trying to find out why/what happened to him. The answers would be tied up in the other people working at the carnival ie the manager, the other vendors and performers. It could either be because of magic (a curse) or some other more mundande occurence ( a horrific supressed memory).

I think this would be a pretty cool game to make because we could have great art with it and I think it plays into the art style of both alex and chris nicely. The main character could be really strong I think and the player would grow attached to them. The setting would allow for collecting clues as well as other collectibles we might want to implement such as plush toy prizes, ticket stubs, photos etc. I was also thinking it would be cool to add a monetary/food system because one of the things that stands out most about carnivals for me is how everything is so over priced. I'm thinking this would be a 3d game rather than a point and click obviously. If we wanted to have more action, or platforming or puzzle solving we could easily work it in.

My idea is that the gameplay would consist of exploring the environment, collecting clues and other collectibles and perhaps puzzle solving? Brainstorming some other gameplay ideas there could also be a learning magic system if we went with a supernatural theme. There could be a fighting system where the character gets in brawls with other performers ie strongman, the bearded lady. If we went for a non magic plot we could have something like 'dream sequences' where the player is having a dream that will uncover details of their past in a platforming sequence or something like that.

This idea could easily go either way, as a full kids game, or as some kind of messed up almost gritty story that only draws elements from kids stuff. I think it'd make a nice in between like we've been talking about, especially with a magic storyline.

Either way I hope this is just the first of many ideas and I hope you guys have some suggestions for this idea and some of your own pitches too!


  1. i really like this idea, im thinking there should def be some sort of levelling system to keep people interested, and some sort of collectable system as you mentioned. As for the puzzle games we can just add them in as little side games when you go to a stall or some kind of memory lapse or anyway really :p. As for ideas to add, I have been coding way too much lately so I'm not feeling particularly imaginative atm, but when any come to me I will let you know :)

  2. I think it'd be cool to go back to the 'olden' days of circus with the 'freaks' etcetc in my head I kind of picture a circus along the lines of the show carnovale (but maybe without all the nudity...)

  3. I like it so far. Give me some time to mull it over.

    Quick idea: When I think of a carnival I see a lot of character archetypes: The Strongman, The Contortionist, Clown, Ringleader, all really great stuff for character definition and distinction.

  4. OKAY MULLED IT OVER! (3 seconds) I love it stylistically. We just need to flesh out the game play a bit and add an interesting/innovative game mechanic to set it apart from other adventure/mystery games. Collectables are an obvious and necessary addition, but let's try to jazz it up a bit to make it different.

    With so many talented artists and one very talented programmer (I've heard nothing but good things :D) we should be able to pull this off quite well.

  5. Yeah the tone sounds perfect, and the puzzle/mystery elements seem like they could have players thinking about our game even when they're not playing it :p
    The freak show thing sounds awesome too, in like France or something?

    The amnesia thing might be a bit cliche though, and mini games are a bit boring imo.

    But yeah sounds like a good opportunity for some cool characters :)

  6. And he should totes have a sidekick ;)

  7. I've been thinking about this, the more I do; the more I like it. I can see the protagonist (In his crudely sewn bear suit with buttons for eyes, patches, tears and a large worn smile. His grumpy and displeased face poking out of the bears mouth, clearly a guy who hates his job), rude and poorly behaved kids running amok.

    A ferris wheel would make a perfect jumping platform puzzle.

    I don't mind the mini games, just as long as there aren't too much.

  8. Man thats exactly how I imagine the charater too! I've had this character and setting in my mind for years so I'm glad you guys like it.

    In resoponsse to Shaun, I know what you mean about it being a bit cliche. I think that the guy really needs a fairly personal reason to be at the circus hence amnesia. Something else could work though. Maybe like someone he knew went missing and he thinks its connected to the carnival or something? Have to mull it over some more.

  9. Yeah i dont know how many times we and everyone else in this course have come up with the idea of amnesia. ITS LAME! lol.Bad i am LOVING how this is all coming together and ill try and do some sketches too.

  10. "I'm sorry Chad, I cannot remember If I slept with your brother for you see I have... AMNESIA!" DUN DUN DUN!!!

  11. What if instead of amnesia he's had items/person/pet/body parts taken away from him by some sort of mad circus genius dude and needs to go around collecting/playing all this stuff in order to retrieve his missing thing... as he goes on he is able to shed parts of the bearsuit, back to himself... fuck that's weird, sorry, I'm too hungover to be creative ATM but alsio i seriously love this idea too but i think we should come up with some different ones as well, as in completely different ones, just so we dont get stuck if the teachers dont love it as much as us, and so we dont get stuck, (but i seriously do love this whole circus thing)

  12. I shouldn't be allowed to publish words on the net... sorry guys for that babble, no sleep makes Sarah something something...

  13. That's a good idea. Let's keep this as Plan A and come up with a quick Plan B or C. Who knows, we may even come up with elements we can add to this.

    P.S. I think a mad clown/whatever on the roller coaster would make for an interesting boss fight. Like the classic games where fights were in waves where you had to dodge things before you could deal the boss damage; the protagonist could be jumping over the roller coaster carts for the first set of waves then end up on the roller coaster during later waves. Just a thought that flew into my head.

  14. When you're talking about a 'boss fight' are you imagining it as part of the main game or as part of some sort of dream sequence as I suggested? My concern is that if we are going to have a mystery game then the main game needs to be fairly grounded in reality, ie a brawl behind a trailer with one of the clowns is possible, but not a brawl with the clown and many of its minion creatures on top of the roller coaster might break the logic of the world.

    If we had such an over the top scene I imagine it would have to come at the end of the game, ie the player has solved the mystery and is now taking out the main culprit.

    Sarah I like where you are going with making the guys costume a more integral part of the game but what if instead of sheding it he upgrades it. So he could learn sewing patterns and gather materials etc to allow him to upgrade the costume. He could get 'hypno eyes' for it that would make it easier to get information from people and get different feet for it making it possible for him to jump higher to get collectibles and clues in high places.

    I've been thinking about what we could make the crux of the story and the reason he's at the carnival. I'm thinking it would be best if someone he cared about had been taken by the carnival. For the person his daughter/son would be good because it plays off the idea that misssing children have 'ran away to join the circus' and it fits his tough guy personality because even tough guys care about their kids.

    As for why the carnival stole his kid I guess the story would get pretty dark at this point. Maybe the carnival is a black magic cult? Maybe they have a slave ring? Maybe they turn kids into performing animals with magic? Maybe they just train them to perform as people but try to make them forget their family. Because everyone is costumed their identities are hidden and its hard to figure out which performer is his missing kid. As soon as he made a wrong guess they'd be on to him and he'd get kicked out of the carnival.
